A leaf health, wolfberry brought health secrets

A leaf health, wolfberry brought health secrets

Nutritional value of wolfberry

Wolfberry, also known as Ningxia wolfberry and Ningxia grass fruit, is a traditional Chinese medicinal material and nourishing food. It is rich in a variety of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, zinc, etc. These ingredients play an important role in human health.

1. Vitamin C: Wolfberry is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant effects and can help remove free radicals and enhance immunity. In addition, vitamin C is also involved in important processes such as collagen synthesis and iron absorption.

2. Vitamin E: Wolfberry is also a high-quality source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a key role in protecting cell membranes from free radical damage.

3. Carotene: Lycium barbarum is rich in β-carotene and other carotenoid red substances. These substances can be converted into active vitamin A, which helps protect vision, promote growth and development, and enhance immune function.

4. Zinc: The content of zinc in wolfberry is relatively high. Zinc is one of the essential trace elements for the human body. It participates in the activation and regulation of many enzyme systems and has an important impact on immune function, brain nerve development, and gonadal function.

Goji berries for eye health

Eyes are one of the important sensory organs of the human body, and wolfberry is considered a good choice for protecting eye health. Here are just a few ways goji berries can positively impact eye health:

1. Antioxidant effect: Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E can help scavenge free radicals, reduce the risk of retinal damage, and prevent age-related eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

2. Protect the retina: Lycium barbarum is rich in carotene substances, which after being converted into vitamin A in the body, can protect retinal cells, improve night vision and the ability to adapt to the dark.

3. Relieve eye fatigue: Using electronic devices for a long time or overusing your eyes can easily cause eye fatigue. The various nutrients in wolfberry can relieve eye discomfort and relieve symptoms such as dryness and soreness.

The immune system-enhancing effect of wolfberry

The immune system is an important line of defense for the human body to resist external aggression and maintain internal environment stability. Goji berries have a positive impact on the immune system in the following ways:

1. Improve the body’s resistance: Vitamin C, zinc and other ingredients can enhance the body’s immune function, increase white blood cell activity, and promote lymphocyte production and differentiation.

2. Inhibit tumor development: Lycium barbarum is rich in a variety of natural compounds, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, etc., which have been shown to inhibit tumor development to a certain extent in animal experiments.

The effect of wolfberry in warming and nourishing the kidneys

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wolfberry has the effect of warming and nourishing kidney yang, nourishing yin and nourishing blood. Here are just a few ways goji berries can positively impact kidney health:

1. Strengthen kidney function: Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that wolfberry can warm and nourish kidney yang and enhance kidney function. It can help regulate the human endocrine system and promote the synthesis and excretion of sex hormones.

2. Replenishing essence and qi: Traditionally, wolfberry is regarded as a food that nourishes yin and nourishes blood. It is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat symptoms such as weakness and insomnia.

Suitable groups and consumption suggestions

* people suitble:

  • People with eye discomfort: People who experience eye discomfort such as dryness, soreness, etc.
  • People with poor resistance: people who are prone to colds, fatigue, etc.
  • People who are deficient in zinc or vitamin C: can be taken as a source of nutrition.
  • People with kidney yang deficiency: people with symptoms such as body cold, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees.

*Consumption suggestions:

  • Moderate consumption: Eat wolfberry in moderation every day, generally 10-15 grams each time can meet your needs.
  • Diverse combinations: You can add wolfberry to porridge, soup or tea, and eat it with other ingredients to increase the taste and nutritional value.
  • Avoid overconsumption: Although goji berries are beneficial to health, overconsumption may cause adverse effects. Therefore, pay attention to moderation when consuming and adjust according to personal circumstances.

To sum up, “One leaf for health, the health secret brought by wolfberry” mainly includes its rich nutritional value, benefits for eye health, enhancement of the immune system and the effect of warming and tonifying kidney yang. Corresponding suitable groups and consumption suggestions are provided for different groups of people. Therefore, reasonable use of wolfberry in daily life can bring us better physical health.