Red bean: beauty slimming magic ingredients

Red bean: beauty slimming magic ingredients

Nutritional value of adzuki beans

Adzuki beans, also known as red beans, are a common ingredient. It is rich in a variety of nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and rich in vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide us with energy and various essential elements and are very important for maintaining good health.

1. Protein: Adzuki beans are rich in plant protein and are a good choice for vegetarians or those who want to lose weight to supplement protein. Plant proteins have lower saturated fat content and are easy to digest and absorb.

2. Red antioxidant: Adzuki beans are bright red because they are rich in flavonoids-anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have powerful antioxidant effects that can help scavenge free radicals and slow down the aging process.

3. Cellulose: Adzuki beans are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. These fibers help promote intestinal motility, prevent constipation, and help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

4. Vitamins: Adzuki beans are rich in multiple vitamins, such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and folic acid. These vitamins play an important role in energy metabolism and are involved in various chemical reactions in the body.

5. Minerals: Adzuki beans are a good source of minerals, especially iron, magnesium, manganese and potassium. These minerals are essential for blood circulation, nerve function, and bone health.

Beauty benefits of adzuki beans

1. Antioxidant: Anthocyanins are one of the main antioxidant components of adzuki beans, which can neutralize free radicals and slow down the skin aging process. Long-term consumption of adzuki beans can improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

2. Remove edema: Adzuki bean has a diuretic effect, which can help remove excess water and toxins from the body and reduce edema on the face and body.

3. Whitening: Adzuki beans are rich in vitamin B complex, which are essential for skin health. They help brighten skin, even out skin tone, and reduce the appearance of dark spots and freckles.

4. Reduce acne marks: The anthocyanins in adzuki beans have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce acne marks and other facial red spots. Long-term consumption of adzuki beans can improve skin texture and promote wound healing.

5. Moisturizing: The red antioxidants in adzuki beans help maintain skin moisture balance and prevent dryness and roughness. At the same time, its rich protein can also nourish and repair damaged skin.

How to use adzuki beans for beauty

– Cooking porridge: Put an appropriate amount of ocher rice and water into a pot, slowly heat it, and cook until the rice grains become soft and glutinous. Adzuki bean porridge is not only delicious but also nourishes the skin.

– Stewing soup: Put adzuki beans and other ingredients into the pot, add appropriate amount of water and simmer slowly. This will allow the nutrients in the soup to dissolve better and increase the taste.

– Soaking in water: Soak an appropriate amount of adzuki beans in water for several hours or overnight, then drain and set aside. Doing this removes impurities from it and increases its nutritional value.

– Adding to pasta: Adding an appropriate amount of adzuki bean powder or puree when making pasta can not only increase the taste and color, but also provide additional nutrients to the pasta.

How to use ocher rice for weight loss

1. Substitute staple food:Replace some of the white rice with the same amount of ocher rice. Because it’s rich in fiber and low in calories, it keeps you feeling full while controlling your caloric intake.

2. Make porridge:Cooking ocher rice into porridge can increase the feeling of fullness and delay the digestion and absorption of food by the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, its rich fiber helps promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation.

3. Pair with vegetables:Pairing ocher rice with various vegetables for stir-fry or soup can not only provide sufficient nutrition but also control the amount of calories and carbohydrates consumed.

4. Control consumption:Although ocher rice is helpful for weight loss, you still need to pay attention to eating it in moderation. Too much of any one ingredient can lead to consuming too many calories and carbs.