Lotus heart bubble water to drink, beauty and nourishing

Lotus heart bubble water to drink, beauty and nourishing

Soak the heart of lotus seeds in water and drink it for beauty and nourishment

Lotus seeds are a common Chinese medicinal material and are widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. The lotus seed heart is the inner germ part of the lotus seed, which is rich in nutrients. Drinking lotus seeds soaked in water not only has the effect of beautifying the skin, but also nourishes the body. This topic is introduced and discussed in detail from five aspects below.

1. Rich in nutrients

Lotus seed heart contains a variety of nutrients, including starch, fiber, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The most prominent among them is the large amount of starch and cellulose it contains. These substances provide the body with the energy it needs and promote intestinal health.


  • Eat an appropriate amount every day: put an appropriate amount of clean and impurity-free lotus seed hearts into a bottle, add boiling water and refrigerate before drinking.
  • Pair with other ingredients: You can use it with other nuts, grains and other ingredients to cook porridge or stew to increase the taste and nutritional value.

2. Beauty and beauty effects

Lotus seed heart has good beauty and beauty effects. It is rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E, which can promote skin metabolism and reduce the occurrence of wrinkles and spots. In addition, lotus seeds are also rich in antioxidants, which can resist the damage caused by free radicals to the skin.


  • Facial mask application: Boil the lotus seed hearts and mash them into a paste. After cleansing the face, apply it on the skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before washing off.
  • Soak in water after meals: Brew an appropriate amount of lotus seed hearts with warm water after meals every day and enjoy it as a tea drink.

3. Nourishes the body

In addition to its beauty and beauty effects, lotus seed heart also has the function of nourishing the body. It is rich in protein and amino acids, which can provide the nutrients needed by the body and enhance physical strength and resistance. In addition, lotus seed heart also has the effects of nourishing the kidneys and replenishing essence, moistening the lungs and relieving coughs.


  • Stew in soup: stew lotus seed hearts with lean meat, wolfberry and other ingredients, which is both delicious and nutritious.
  • Snack Replacement: Use lotus seed hearts as a snack substitute and eat in moderation when you are hungry or craving a snack.

4. Regulate female physiological problems

For women, irregular menstruation, heavy or scanty menstruation are common physiological problems. Lotus seed heart has the effect of regulating these problems. It can relieve menstrual discomfort symptoms and help restore normal menstruation. In addition, lotus seed heart can also relieve discomfort caused by menopausal syndrome.


  • Insist on soaking in water and drinking an appropriate amount of lotus seeds every day before and after menstruation, which can help relieve menstrual discomfort.
  • Combined with other Chinese medicinal materials: You can boil lotus seed hearts with Chinese medicinal materials such as angelica and red dates and drink it in water to enhance the conditioning effect.

5. Precautions and taboos

Although lotus seed heart has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. Here are some dos and don’ts to watch out for:

  • Pregnant women should use with caution:Due to the nourishing properties of lotus seed hearts, pregnant women should avoid consuming them in early pregnancy or if they have related problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • People with allergies should be careful:For people who are allergic to lotus foods, eating lotus seed hearts may trigger allergic reactions. A skin test is required before use to rule out the possibility of allergic reactions.
  • Side effects to note:Eating large amounts can easily lead to indigestion, bloating and other problems. Therefore, when using it, you must control your daily intake and adjust it as appropriate based on your personal physical condition.

To sum up, drinking lotus seed heart soaked in water has the effect of beautifying the skin, nourishing the body and regulating female physiological problems. However, everyone’s physique is different and the degree of suitability will vary. You should consult a professional nutritionist or doctor for advice before consumption, and use it reasonably according to your own situation.